March 04, 2010

Peter Dutton MP are you for or against the filter? | Darryl King’s blog ireckon

So I propose a simple two part question for you. This is the crux of the matter for me, and it may also be for a number of other voters.

My Questions:

Peter, do you support the introduction of any form of mandatory internet filter in Australia?

And if the answer to that question is no, will you push to have it removed if and when you next get into government?

I hope you get around to reading this Peter; I will make footnotes to keep my tiny speckle of readers informed on what you feel. Two quite simple questions, which in fact I believe could be answered with Yes or No responses.

I don’t need spin. I just want to know which team you are on.

I want a personal answer to a personal issue for me a resident in your electorate.

Excellent Work as Usual Sir!

Posted via web from franksting's posterous

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