November 24, 2009

Strong flat White. Divine. Strand espresso

Sent from my iPhone

Posted via email from 30 Days of Coffee

November 19, 2009

An open letter to FIFA

This Letter was Posted to FIFA at their Feedback site. If you feel strongly enough about this and related issues, I suggest you do the same!

Dear Sepp and fellows
I'm sure you are happy with the Great results overnight and the immense Fairplay displayed, especially at the Stade de France.
Can't imagine how Irish people are dismayed, for surely it was determined long in advance that France have a divine right to play in the World Cup Finals. And anyway, Thierry Henry is such a fine fellow isn't he?
I also imagine it is a TOTAL coincidence that the referee who was chosen for that game has a history of perfect decisions in crucial moments in matches.
Anyway, surely all the Irish people, who are completely one eyed, would've been completely proven wrong even if you did introduce Technology, or even an extra pair of eyes behind the goal. As this illustration clearly shows.

The wonderful thing for FIFA is that your TV money can now be kept nice and high for the World Cup in South Africa now that pure brilliance from one of the worlds best players and referees has ensured another big market has 'made it'
Keep up the good work, Sepp and Fellows. I hope you choke on your own corpulence

November 09, 2009


Watching Tonight's Media Watch I was imagining Gary Linnell and David Penberthy choking on their Schooners right at the end there. Oh actually, all I have to do is to read this from the aforementioned Penberthy to find out what he thought. If they were reading the #pwnednudierun twitter feed it generated they may have chilled out somewhat, though I doubt it.

Ideally, however, they would be hard at work coming up with a Smart Position on deflecting how amateur they have been made to look over recent weeks. It's one thing for Uncle Rupert to be claiming to be charging for their 'Unique' Content, its another thing to do it while his key Masthead in Australia's biggest Market have been played for fools something around 10 times this year. Most ominously when they were sucked in by Godwin Grech but also the Pauline Hanson Photos and, as highlighted on tonights Media Watch, the blowtorch torture affair - still online (as soon to be charged for original content) here.

So what should they do tomorrow? Ignore it and it will go away? Write a story about and laugh it off? Something more clever writers than I might come up with?

Juding by Penberthy's humourless ripostes on Twitter tonight, somehow I doubt it. Most likely they will be sucking on Lemons and getting Andrew Bolt and Janet Albrechtsen et al to join them in 'conference'* so they can call Jonathon Holmes and the ABC names or continue Uncle Ruperts inane ramblings on them 'Stealing' Content. I'm waiting for the flurry of muck from Tim Blair, Piers at al to appear on The Punch and in the Tele any time soon.

If that is the only content you have to offer, News, I doubt they want to steal it. I know I don't

November 04, 2009

Dairy Farmers join the ranks of the Spineless

Dear Dairy Farmers,
It appears you were once a co-operative all about selling the Milk the Cows made on behalf of the Farmers to the good city Folk. In this way the Farmers could keep producing milk by tending their Moo-cows and stopping the land from going fallow.

Now you are just another fucking Happy Meal Purveyor
From You want an Opinion?



Creating The Great Divide

Recently I've been concerned about the types of topics here. So like the annoying bastard I am, I've created a new blog and moved all the prissy, "isn't technology neat' stuff over there.
So to be clear, if you want to read me whining on about shit, stay here. If you want to read more 'professional' topics go there, if you want to read my ongoing commentary, you can see it here. Entertaining douchebaggery is here and how I am destroying my house and pissing my wife off is here.
Thanks for your attention, now can someone give me a topic to have an opinion on?